Questions & answers about our Ski School

Is the ski pass included in the course fee?

No, we are unable to provide a fixed total price for our services as it depends on different factors such as the use of multiple ski lifts and various combinations of lesson groups. Please note: With the Kids-Küh-Card (€5 magnetic card, €2 deposit), children under the age of 6 can ride the mountain railways in Kühtai practically for free!

How and where can I register?

Either via online booking on our website, by email, by post, or at our local ski school office.

How do I get to the assembly point?

The assembly point is located directly behind the Ski School Office.

What are the course languages?

Our courses are mainly held in German and in English. 

Do I get part of the money back if I have to drop out of a course?

In the event of an accident requiring you to interrupt your ski course, please contact the ski school manager who will help find a solution.

Für Fortgeschritten Kinder ist ein Einstieg jeden Tag möglich. ( bis Donnerstag)

Können unsere Kinder mit Freunden in eine gemeinsame Gruppe? Nur wenn das Skilevel gleich ist ( Test beim vor Fahren)

Halbtageskurse sind nur für Kinder die eine rote Piste befahren können möglich